Indoor Greenlife

More Anthuriums – peach, pink, and soft purple.
Anthurium Peach
Anthurium Pink
Striped Calatheas – Dottie, Sylvia, & Network.  Muranta, the Prayer Plant.
Calathea Dottie
Cordyline Brandy Lime with bronze-centred lime leaves. 
Good selection of Coloured Phalaenopsis in the regular size. 
Big delivery of new cover pots for Indoor Plants.
Empire Glassware - Trifle Bowl, clear Gin Glasses, and Water Carafe.
New laser-cut product from Abstract Design, made in NZ, fun & easy to assemble – Harley Davidsons, Land Rovers, Diggers, Citroen 2CV’s, Spitfires, Caravans + lots more.

New Supplier, New Product.

Superb colours in floor rugs, games/puzzles (Torino, Stickado etc), beautiful vintage cups, fun striped socks, and lots of handy kitchen items (safety peelers, mugs, lemon fluicers, cappuccino cups).

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