Brassicas (Cauliflowers, Broccoli etc) need planting now, particularly Brussel Sprouts, to get good size on the plants before temperatures cool down. Big plant = more vegetable!

The bundles of large grade Leeks should be available from January 15 on (talk to us if you need info on the correct planting technique).

Other Winter vegetables to consider: Celeriac, Celery, Cabbages, Kale.

How to have healthy plant

The rain was a real bonus in the midst of what was supposed to be an exceptionally dry Summer, but keep an eye out for fungal problems with the damp conditions.

FreeFlow Copper is still one of the most effective fungicides and totally safe on edibles - an occasional spray will prevent blight on Tomatoes, and mildew on Petunias. Give ‘em the chop! I’ve just cut all the Petunias at home right back and after a copper spray and a feed the second flowering will be even denser than the first.

Tomatoes get hungry! Regular feeding is important, particularly if they’re growing in tubs and Tom-a-Rite liquid Tomato Food is specifically formulated for tomato needs and works almost instantly.

The pesky pests! White butterflies are out and about and particularly attracted to Brassicas – in no time at all the plants will look as though a shotgun has blasted them, but a spray with Yates Success or Enspray 99 (both safe for edibles) now and again will keep them under control.

Roses respond to water! Regular feeding (September, November, January, & March) is also important for replacing all the energy they’ve used for months of flowering, plus an occasional spray for good health, but water is the key. If you’re not sure about Summer pruning come in and talk to us.

We love lush lawns! Remember to mow higher at this time of year as longer grass keeps the sun off the soil itself, making it easier to maintain lawn moisture. Feed when you see the colour starting to fade and spray for lawn weeds before they take hold. Water less often but deeper.

The Constant Gardener is thrilled with the performance of the strawberries & raspberries this season, definitely the best ever, despite the lack of sun. Regular watering and feeding has been the key.

The spoon in the pic is actually a dessert spoon & the strawberry weighed 85g. The strawberry’s ‘mother’ grows in a tub and is the biggest I’ve ever seen.

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