February 16, 2025
How to Grow Deciduous Fruit Trees
Cultural Requirements Soil and Position
- Well drained soils - will not tolerate heavy or waterlogged soil
- Improve soil by use of compost or peat
- Open sunny position
- Best to plant in June / July when trees are dormant
- DO NOT let roots dry out prior to planting
- When planting spread roots out carefully over slightly mounded soil at bottom of hole
- Soak in Dalton's Seaweed Solution prior planting
- Use a slow release fertiliser around roots at planting
- When growth begins (spring) apply general garden fertiliser or fruit tree and citrus fertiliser at rates of 200g-300g per tree as a top dressing
- Water well again after feeding
- Ensure soil does not dry out after planting (only if a dry spell follows planting – do not overwater as root rot could result)
- Spring - summer water regularly to ensure plant does not dry out while establishing in it's first year
- Water regularly during fruit development for juicy fruit
- Aim to regulate growth, allow light in, encourage flowers and fruit
- Generally prune in winter but can be trimmed late summer if required
- In years 1 and 2 prune hard to make sturdy framework and shape the tree
- When planting select 3 or 4 strong branches and reduce by 2/3 to outwards facing bud. Remove all other growth
Once established, prune according to the fruiting habit as outlined below:
- Bear fruit on spurs and 2 year old + laterals
- Allow lateral branches to develop uncut until buds form
- Then trim back about 2/3 each year
- Thin out some if tree becomes overcrowded
- Also bear on laterals and spurs
- Treat as for apples
- Fruit on spurs on 2 year old + wood
- Require little pruning, apart from trimming and thinning
- Prune in autum
Peaches and nectarines
- Bear fruit on laterals produced previous summer
- Laterals fruit for one season only
- Prune to produce new laterals each year
- Prune back to encourage new growth but don’t cut out all previous year’s growth
- Bear fruit on 1 and 2 year old laterals
- Require little pruning
- Thin and trim back as required to maintain tree at reasonable size