How to Feed Indoor Plants
To get the best out of your house plants, you need to feed them.
Feed during the growing months (warm months October - April).
Generally house plants need watering once a week in the warm months.
Let them dry out (not too much) between waterings. They should never be sitting in water.
Use a directional watering can from above and fill up the saucer with water. Leave for a few hours to let them soak up as much water as they need. If after a few hours the saucer is still full with water, empty this.
Every second week feed when watering with a quality liquid fertiliser such as Ican Fast Food.
Use liquid fertiliser to get lovely, lush deep greens and great growth.
Pop half a cap full per litre of water into your watering can. Then water your house plants as you normally would.
If you are worried about strength it is better to use a weaker solution but more often. You do not want to shock or burn the plants.
You can use Ican Fast FOod on all your veges and in pots/hanging baskets. It'll give your plants a fabulous boost!
Ensure your house plant leaves are kept clean - no dust. Wipe them gently with a wet cloth or pop them out in warm, soft rain to give them a good wash and drink.
Rain has wonderful nutrients! Alternatively collect rain water to feed your plants with.
Ican Fast Food is also great as a foliar spray - use a weak solution only. Spray gently onto your plant leaves.
Summary of how and when to feed house plants
Feed liquid fertiliser from Labour weekend to Eater (Oct-April, warm months when house plants do their growing).
Start with feeding 1/2 strength for the first month (1/4 cap per 1 litre) fed fortnightly. Then feed full strength (1/2 cap per 1 litre) fortnightly till Easter.
Do not feed over winter while indoor plants are dormant.
It is always better to have a weak solution of liquif fertiliser than one that is too strong. A strong solution can shoch and burn plant roots. Less is more, more often.
Indoor plant families that love being fed:
(Use full strength liquid fertiliser, fortnightly)
- Calathea
- Spathiphyllum
- Monstera
- Epipremnum
- Croton
- Philodendron
- Ficus
Indoor plant families that light a light feeding"
(Use half strength liquid fertiliser, fortnightly)
- Palm family: use 1/2 strength
- Fern family use 1/2 strength
- Dracaena family: only need to feed twice a year
If using your liquid fertiliser as a foliar spray (i/e spraying direct onto leaves) make sure your solution is very diluted (1/4-1/2 strength only). You do not want to burn the leaves. Do not spray flowers.