January 30, 2025
A spring time garden and cut flower favourite. An easy to grow bulb, planted from mid-summer to autumn produces colourful blooms early in spring.
Cultural Requirements
- Improve soil drainage by raised beds and adding coarse sand
- Add organic compost and bulb food to soil prior to planting
- As foliage comes through soil, and as flower buds form feed regularly with a liquid food such as Yates Thrive, or Nitrosol.
- Lift corms once foliage turns yellow and store in a dry airy place until next season
- Can be grown in pots and containers, using Bulb Mix or Dalton's Premium Potting Mix.
When to Plant
- Start planting Jan through to May to provide a succession of flowers
Where to Plant
- Plant in full sun
- Good drainage is essential
How to Plant
- Plant the corm with the claws facing down, 5cm deep, 15cm apart
- Plant in groups for best effect, or if in rows, plant 3-4 corms wide
Pests and Diseases
No major problems however, corms will rot or give poor germination if soil does not drain freely and remains water logged. Under wet conditions flowers will be small and less prolific.