February 16, 2025
How to Grow and Maintain a Lawn
- Good soil preparation is the key to achieving a good lawn
- Spray out weeds with a non-selective weed spray like KiwiCare Weed Weapon Extra Strength
- Allow 10-14 days for weeds to die and brown off
- Soil should be dug to a depth of 15cm. Break up large clods and remove all stones and debris
- Well -drained, loam soils are best
- If soil is clay or very heavy, apply gypsum and work in some sandy soil
- In very wet conditions artificial drainage may be necessary
- If soil is sandy and free draining, add compost or peat to improve it's water holding ability
- Rake and level filling in hollows and removing high spots
- Slope lawn away from house and other buildings
- Tread and rake the area several times to consolidate and stop further sinking
- Apply Burnetts Easy Start to area prior to sowing
- Alternatively use a slow release lawn food such as Burnetts Easy Fert
- Once grass is established, feed with lawn food in Spring and Autumn
- Never fertilise in dry conditions
Sowing Seeds
- Sow in calm weather
- Sow in early morning
- Mixing seed with some sand helps even spread
- Sow seeds in two directions, walking backwards across lawn, north-south, east-west
- Ensure even coverage, avoid dumping seed in patches
- Sow at 30gm/m²
- Keep surface moist with light watering until seeds germinate, at least daily
- As seed grows water more heavily but less frequently, every 2 days
- Mow frequently for best results
- Avoid cutting too low or 'scalping'
- Cutting height between 2.5-4cm is ideal
Pests and Diseases
The worst enemies of good lawn are porina, grass grub and the invasion of broadleaf weeds.
Porina Caterpillar
- Feed on grass
- Chew grass off to ground level
- Do not eat roots
- Caterpillar is grey colour with dark head
- Appear February - April
Grass Grub
- Feed on roots
- Yellow patches and stunted lawn growth
- Adult beetles feed on foliage in garden in November
- Grub appears autumn, early winter
Pest and Disease Control
- Porina
- Soil insect killer - autumn
- Grass Grub
- Soil insect killer - spring and autumn
- Neem Granules
- Broadleaf weeds
- Turfclean - spring and autumn
- Onehunga weed
- Lawnpro for Hydrocotyl and Prickle - September to November